Szabó, Erika (2024) A MÁV Felépítménykarbantartó és Gépjavító Kft. vagyoni, pénzügyi és jövedelmezőségi helyzetének, fenntarthatósági céljainak elemzése a 2018-2022 közötti időszakban. Egyéb, Lámfalussy Sándor Közgazdaságtudományi Kar (volt Közgazdaságtudományi Kar).
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Absztrakt (kivonat)
The Earth's population faces many challenges in terms of climate change, inequality in the distribution of resources, and environmental resources. At the UN summit held in 2015, the sustainable development goals (SDG) were adopted, which were formulated in 17 points. It was recognized that poverty eradication required strategies that promoted economic growth, in addition to which education, he-alth, social protection and job opportunities as solutions to a social problem were priority tasks, bearing in mind climate and environmental protection. From the side of investors, the state, consumers and employees, the need to pro-perly manage social and natural resources in addition to the financial field is increasing-ly emerging In order to fulfill the emerging needs, it is necessary to develop methods that are suitable for evaluating and comparing economic organizations based on susta-inability aspects, environmental, social effects and their corporate governance principles. ESG (Enviroment-Social-Governance) is a corporate governance approach that can be suitable for identifying and evaluating measures taken for the sake of sustainabi-lity, the three pillars of which are the environmental, social and (corporate) governance areas. The economy of the European Union can do a lot to reduce climate change, and Hungary is also a part of this. Public transport is an essential element of the functioning of a sustainable economy and society. In my thesis, I present the European Union's efforts to achieve sustainable deve-lopment and the main steps of its domestic implementation, I approach the problem of sustainability from the perspective of public transport, with particular regard to the ma-nagement and operation of a domestic group of companies. To prepare my analysis, I use the Company's annual report and profit and loss statement as well as the sustainability strategic objectives of the MÁV-VOLÁN group.
Magyar cím
A MÁV Felépítménykarbantartó és Gépjavító Kft. vagyoni, pénzügyi és jövedelmezőségi helyzetének, fenntarthatósági céljainak elemzése a 2018-2022 közötti időszakban
Angol cím
MÁV Superstructure Maintenance and Machine Repair Ltd. analysis of its financial, fi-nancial and profitability situation and sustainability goals for 2018-2022 in the period between
Soproni Egyetem
Lámfalussy Sándor Közgazdaságtudományi Kar (volt Közgazdaságtudományi Kar)
LKK - Üzleti Tanulmányok Intézet
LKK - Mérnök-közgazdász szakirányú továbbképzés (főiskolai) (PG)
Helyi kari azonosító
Mű típusa: | Diplomadolgozat (Egyéb) |
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): | Erika Szabó |
Dátum: | 27 Jún 2024 09:20 |
Utolsó módosítás: | 27 Jún 2024 09:20 |
URI: | |
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