Navigating Intercultural Dynamics in Higher Education: Understanding and Enhancing Cross-Cultural Openness at the University of Sopron

Kulcsár, Dóra (2024) Navigating Intercultural Dynamics in Higher Education: Understanding and Enhancing Cross-Cultural Openness at the University of Sopron. BA/BSc, Lámfalussy Sándor Közgazdaságtudományi Kar (volt Közgazdaságtudományi Kar).

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Absztrakt (kivonat)

The research investigates the intercultural dynamics within higher education, shedding light on the challenges and opportunities within diverse academic environments. With a multidisciplinary approach, the study investigates cultural, social, and psychological dimensions in an intercultural context to gain deeper insights into how students with different cultural backgrounds work and live together. Starting with an overview of the theoretical foundations of intercultural studies, the research examines influential works by experts such as Edward T. Hall and Geert Hofstede, providing a conceptual framework for analysing cultural differences and communication patterns. By clarifying low and high context cultures, cultural dimensions, and fundamental intercultural concepts, the study lays the groundwork for exploring the intercultural dynamics in higher education. Drawing on empirical research, the paper examines the experiences of students living in culturally diverse academic environments, investigating the challenges they face, including language barriers, cultural acceptance, and identity negotiations during their studies and social interactions. Furthermore, the research highlights the role of intercultural interactions in higher education. By enhancing empathy and cultural openness, diverse academic environments can provide space for individual development. Through cooperation and intercultural dialogue, both students and educators can broaden their perspectives and develop skills to work more effectively in our globalized world. The study also examines the role of institutional practices in shaping the intercultural climate in higher education. Emphasizing the effectiveness of diversity-enhancing initiatives, intercultural competency training programmes, and support services for international students, the paper offers practical recommendations for developing the institution's intercultural background. In conclusion, the thesis offers a comprehensive examination of intercultural dynamics in higher education, touching upon theoretical foundations, empirical research, and practical recommendations. By shedding light on the complexity of intercultural cooperation and advocating for inclusive practices, the study aims to contribute to the creation of a diverse and equitable community at the University of Sopron.

Magyar cím

Az Interkulturális Dinamika Vizsgálata A Felsőoktatásban: A Soproni Egyetem Nemzetközi Hallgatóinak Interkulturális Nyitottsága

Angol cím

Navigating Intercultural Dynamics in Higher Education: Understanding and Enhancing Cross-Cultural Openness at the University of Sopron


Soproni Egyetem


Lámfalussy Sándor Közgazdaságtudományi Kar (volt Közgazdaságtudományi Kar)


LKK - Közgazdasági és Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Intézet


LKK - Nemzetközi gazdálkodás alapszak angol nyelven (BA)


Témavezető neve
Beosztás, tudományos fokozat, intézmény
Dióssi, Dr. habil. Katalin
assistant professor

Helyi kari azonosító


Mű típusa: Diplomadolgozat (BA/BSc)
Felhasználói azonosító szám (ID): Dóra Kulcsár
Dátum: 22 Júl 2024 11:33
Utolsó módosítás: 22 Júl 2024 11:33

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